Underdog ELITE TRAINING 12 Week Plan

Our Elite Training for Athletes program at Underdog Performance Training is designed to empower athletes to reach their full potential and excel in their respective sports. We understand that athletes face unique challenges and require specialized training to enhance their performance, strength, agility, and mental toughness. Description: Customized Training Programs: Our Elite Training program offers individualized training programs tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each athlete. We assess their current abilities, analyze their sport-specific requirements, and develop a comprehensive training plan to optimize their athletic performance. Sport-Specific Training: We focus on enhancing the skills and abilities necessary for success in the athlete's specific sport. Whether it's improving speed and explosiveness for track and field, developing endurance for long-distance running, or increasing power and strength for team sports, our training programs are designed to address the unique demands of each sport. Strength and Conditioning: We prioritize building a solid foundation of strength and conditioning to improve overall athletic performance. Our training sessions incorporate a combination of weightlifting, plyometrics, functional exercises, and core strengthening to enhance muscular strength, power, and stability. Speed and Agility Training: We employ specialized techniques and drills to enhance speed, agility, and quickness. Athletes will work on sprint mechanics, acceleration, change of direction, footwork, and reaction time, enabling them to outperform their opponents on the field or court. Injury Prevention: We emphasize injury prevention strategies to keep athletes at their best and minimize the risk of injuries. Our training programs include mobility exercises, proper warm-up routines, and injury prevention protocols, aiming to enhance joint stability, flexibility, and overall body resilience. Mental Conditioning: We recognize the crucial role of mental toughness in achieving peak performance. Our Elite Training program incorporates mental conditioning techniques, including focus, visualization, goal-setting, and stress management, to help athletes develop a resilient mindset and excel under pressure. Expert Coaching: Our team of experienced coaches and trainers are knowledgeable in sports science, exercise physiology, and biomechanics. They are dedicated to providing personalized attention, guidance, and motivation to athletes, ensuring they receive the highest level of coaching and support throughout their training journey. State-of-the-Art Facilities: Underdog Performance Training boasts top-notch training facilities equipped with cutting-edge equipment and technology. Athletes have access to a range of training tools and resources to maximize their performance gains. At Underdog Performance Training, we believe that every athlete has untapped potential, and our Elite Training for Athletes program is designed to unlock that potential. Join us to elevate your game, push your limits, and become the elite athlete you aspire to be.

Plan Includes

  • Personalised fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

  • Personalised meal plan & recipes

  • Regular progress check-ins

  • Regular updates in plans based on your progress

  • 24/7 chat support

How it works

  • Purchase the plan
  • Complete onboarding questionnaire after logging into the app
  • Your personalised schedule is made available in the app in 24-48 hrs
  • Follow workouts, log nutrition and other metrics
  • Connect with me in case of any queries via in-app chat
Select Plan
3 months

One Time Payment






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